FIFA 21 will slide into the next-generation in October

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FIFA 21 and will be one of the first games to be released on Xbox series PS5 and X. Indeed, the world premiere of the Xbox X Series featured two prominent depiction of a football game that looked very much like FIFA (though without official brand) to promote the console new.

However, it is not known exactly when it will be available on next generation consoles. FIFA 21 will be released on PS4 and Xbox One on October 9 that the new game is expected to land on another console before PS5 and Xbox Series X became available for purchase. That means that FIFA 21 will probably be available for the PS4 and Xbox One first, before it was launched as a launch title for the new hardware.

EA has made it clear that the player can only upgrade from Xbox to Xbox One Series X or from the PS4 to PS5. It is also important to note that those who buy a physical copy of FIFA 21 on PS4 or Xbox One will need to insert the disc into their next-gen console in order to download the upgrade and playing games. So, if you take a physical copy of FIFA 21 on PS4, you must choose to PS5 which has a disc drive. If you are in need of Cheap FIFA 21 Comfort Trade, come to, where you can enjoy the cheapest price online and 3% off with a coupon code “5MMO”.

If you plan on being away disc-less with your next-gen console, you should be sure to purchase the FIFA 21 digital in this generation as "physical discs can not currently be used to upgrade the console to a disc-less". EA said that the progress made or purchased content in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team and the progress made in the Volta will transfer from the current to the next-gen and back again.

Every advance in modes like online Seasons, Co-Op Seasons, Career Mode and Club Pro, however, "will be specific to the console you play and it will not transfer between consoles."

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