Blizzard is banning WoW Classic players for layering exploits

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Bug recently Dungeon Layering has been hotly discussed by the player and Blizzard has also become aware of this problem exploiting layering. In fact, this bug has been around for many years but never in a situation such as the present. According to the current situation and the player feedback, we know that this exploit has affected the Dungeons and Raids, allowing to repeat the last boss of each WOW Classic Dungeon or the entire raid without having to wait or delete any previous mass in the sample. This means that players will be able to boss layering exploited farm as Darkmaster Gandling for Patte: Robe of the Void or Balnazzar for Patte: Truefaith undergarment without moving out of the arena boss.


Blizzard has now announced that the bug has been resolved and the version that is being used globally. However, they also showed that every participant who deliberately exploited the bug will be recognized and awarded by appropriate penalties. If you are in need of Cheap WOW Gold Classic, come to, where you can enjoy the cheapest price online and 3% off with a coupon code “5MMO”.


Some argue that this is unfair, given that this is a classic WoW players who just take advantage of technical problems on the part of Blizzard, rather than directly hacking the game itself, but - in a post on game forums - one studio Community Manager explained the decision to issue a ban. "The key factor here is the intention." Explaining the post. "Whether a player doing something with a purpose causing the error occurred, and they do so to exploit said the fault for their own benefit? Errors have recently made an example of clean enough. The players who misuse it to do some Stuff Very Strange caused it to happen , and then do it over and over again.


For those who may be worried that they have intentionally exploited the bug and now on one-way streets to ban-ville: do not. In order for abuse of bugs, players must take measures which are very specific. Possible non-cheating players replicate this step is almost nonexistent. As WoW Classic track all activities of the players, it is easy to sift through and see which players intentionally abusing bugs to gain. As long as you have not deliberately take part in shady activities, you will be fine.

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