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Developer Infinity Ward has released a new, relatively small update for Call of Duty: Mode Warfare and its standalone battle royale mode, Warzone, across all platforms.The patch mainly fixes two large exploits, both of which were having a big impact in Warzone. Some players had found a way to use Game Battles to create custom weapon blueprints, which could then be applied to any weapons and loadouts used in traditional multiplayer and Warzone. Additionally, the patch addresses an exploit in Warzone that allowed for invincibility after revives in specific instances.


The latest Mode Warfare update includes bug fixes for multiplayer as well as a few much-needed fixes for Warzone. By far the biggest change is the fix for the invincibility exploit, which sometimes occurred after reviving a fellow Warzone teammate. Following this patch, revived teammates will once again become vulnerable as intended.


Another rather serious bug was also fixed, one that allowed players to take advantage of Game Battles to create custom weapon blueprints. This bug allowed those weapons to be used in both Mode Warfare multiplayer and Warzone, which obviously caused a number of balance problems. Furthermore,You can buy cheap Call of Duty Points at by using the code “5MMO” for a 3% discount.


The patch also addresses a small audio bug with the Renetti, as well as a comical visual one where the CTSFO 1 Mil-Sim Operator could be seen wearing two watches. No tactical advantage there, but at least he was never late. You can read the brief patch notes in full below. An additional update on April 26 re-added Aniyah Palace back into the playlist rotation after it was briefly removed to fix bugs.


Call of Duty: Mode Warfare Patch - 22 April 2020

    Fixed a bug where players were able to use Game Battles to make custom weapon blueprints that they can then use in MP or Warzone.
    Upon picking up a dropped Renetti, the initial raise audio would be heard globally. This has been fixed.
    Fix for an invincibility exploit after reviving a teammate in Warzone
    Fixed a bug where two watches would be seen on the wrist of the CTSFO 1 Mil-Sim Operator

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